Shapely, toned thighs are a desirable feature that not everybody can achieve through diet and exercise alone. Factors like age, genetics, pregnancy, and weight loss can result in diminished skin elasticity and muscle tone, as well as stubborn fat pockets on the inner and outer thighs. Through thigh lift body contouring surgery, Tampa plastic surgeon Dr. Samuel Sohn can help his patients from Clearwater, St. Petersburg, and nearby Florida communities get rid of loose skin and excess fat to achieve improved thigh contours.
What is a Thigh Lift?
A thigh lift, also known as thighplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to reshape and tone the upper legs. This surgery addresses issues like
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Thigh Lift
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sagging skin
, excess fat, and poor contouring of the thigh area, often resulting from weight loss (often after bariatric surgery), aging, or genetic factors. The goal is to achieve a more youthful, firmer, and aesthetically pleasing thigh appearance. A thigh lift is often included in a body contouring treatment plan that includes lower body lift, tummy tuck, and other procedures.

Benefits of Thigh Lift Surgery
Thigh lift surgery offers numerous benefits, including:
- Better clothing options and a more comfortable fit in jeans, activewear, pants, and skirts
- Prevention of rashes, chafing, and skin irritation where thighs rub against each other
- Reduce or eliminate the appearance of stretch marks from the upper and inner thighs
- Elimination of loose, saggy skin for a smoother, tighter appearance
- Improved body image and self-confidence
- A more fit, youthful appearance
- Long-lasting results when accompanied by a stable weight and healthy lifestyle
Types of Thigh Lift Surgery
Dr. Sohn customizes each patient’s thigh lift treatment plan to suit their unique anatomy and goals. For some patients, a traditional vertical thigh lift is best to address significant loose skin and excess fat at the mid-thigh and above the knee. Some patients may be able to achieve the results they desire through mini thigh lift surgery, where the incision is hidden in the groin crease.
Traditional Thigh Lift
During a traditional (full) thigh lift, a crescent-shaped incision is made from the groin area to the buttock, then a second incision is made through the inner thigh so that excess skin can be removed from a larger portion of the upper leg.
Mini Thigh Lift
A crescent-shaped incision is also used for a mini thigh lift, but the incision is typically made horizontally from the front groin crease to the crease under the buttock. A mini thigh lift is suitable for patients whose concerns are focused on the upper thigh.

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The first step in your thigh lift experience will be a consultation with Dr. Sohn. During this appointment, Dr. Sohn will conduct a visual examination of your thighs, assess skin laxity, and review your medical history to determine whether you are a good candidate for thigh lift surgery. You will be encouraged to ask questions until you feel confident that a thigh lift is right for you.
Once your thigh lift has been scheduled, a member of our team will give you detailed pre-operative instructions as well as clear expectations for the recovery period.

Thigh Lift: What to Expect
Thigh lift is an outpatient plastic surgery procedure that is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure begins with an incision progressing horizontally from the crease in the groin area to the crease below the buttock. For a full thigh lift, a second incision is made vertically along the inner thigh. During a thigh lift procedure, excess skin is trimmed away and liposuction is used to remove excess fat before the remaining skin is tightened. The incisions are closed with sutures beneath the skin and the thighs are wrapped in compression garments. Drains may also be placed for either a traditional or mini thigh lift, and can remain in place for about a week. You will be monitored briefly at our surgery center before being driven home by a friend or family member.
Thigh Lift Recovery
After thigh lift surgery, you can expect to experience some bruising, discomfort, and swelling. Dr. Sohn will prescribe pain medications to help you feel comfortable.
It is important to closely follow Dr. Sohn’s aftercare instructions during the thigh lift recovery period, as this will not only ensure proper healing but will also help you achieve the most favorable cosmetic results. You will be fitted with compression garments after your thigh lift, and you may also have drains placed to remove excess fluid if liposuction was part of your thigh lift procedure. Be sure to complete the full course of antibiotics prescribed by Dr. Sohn and to follow instructions for keeping the treatment area clean and dry.
Most of our patients take 1 week to 2 weeks off from work for their thigh lift recovery. Your activities will be limited for the first two weeks to avoid placing undue stress on your incisions. Be patient with the healing process and listen to your body: please remember to move slowly and not to overdo things.
Recovery time is different for every patient, but you can expect to be able to return to most of your normal activities within a month of your thigh lift procedure. Though swelling should be fully resolved within a few weeks, you may choose to wear your compression garments for longer as this can help optimize the contours of your thighs. Dr. Sohn will recommend topical treatments and/or massage to promote healthy healing and reduce the formation of scar tissue.
Thigh Lift Results
While you will notice that your thighs are slimmer immediately after your thigh lift surgery, though it will take some time for swelling to resolve. Within just a few months, you’ll be able to see the full results of your thigh lift in the form of thinner thighs that look more sculpted and toned. The thin of your thighs will also look tighter and
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What results should I expect after thigh lift surgery?
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
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feel smoother.

Best surgeon ever —Dr. Sohn is absolutely amazing.
Dr. Sohn is absolutely amazing. His office staff is extremely professional, friendly and knowledgeable. Bambi is so sweet and caring and I look forward to all of my appointments. Highly recommend Dr. Sohn and his staff to everyone!
Why Choose Samuel Sohn for Thigh Lift?

Samuel Sohn, MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Through thigh lift body contouring surgery, Dr. Samuel Sohn can help his patients get rid of loose skin and excess fat to achieve improved thigh contours.

Frequently Asked Questions About Thigh Lift
A thigh lift does result in scarring. Both a traditional thigh lift and a mini thigh begin with an incision made from the groin to below the buttock, and this scar can be hidden by underwear or a bathing suit. For patients who undergo a full thigh lift, a scar will be visible down the upper part of the inner thigh. Dr. Sohn will give you topical medication to aid in healing and reduce scar formation.
The results of a thigh lift are long-lasting, but are dependent on the patient maintaining a healthy lifestyle and stable weight.
Yes. It is especially common for patients to combine thigh lift surgery with other procedures after significant weight loss following bariatric surgery. Sometimes referred to as “skin surgery,” a number of body contouring procedures may be necessary for patients to achieve contours that reflect their weight loss. Post-bariatric body contouring procedures include tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), Brazilian butt lift, arm lift, breast lift and/or breast reduction, and facelift/neck lift surgery. Some of Dr. Sohn’s patients also choose to include a thigh lift as part of a mommy makeover.
Any surgical procedure comes with risks, and the best way to achieve good results is to work with an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Samuel Sohn. Risks and side effects of a thigh lift include:
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Anesthesia risks
- Changes in skin sensation
- Numbness
- Swelling (edema)
- Fluid accumulation (seroma)
Trusted Source Thigh Lift (Thighplasty) Cleveland Clinic Go to Source Asymmetrical results
- Scarring
- Wound separation
A thigh lift may reduce the appearance of cellulite, but the primary goal of the thigh lift procedure is to eliminate excess skin and fat.

Contact Dr. Sohn
If excess, loose skin and stubborn fat pockets on your thighs concern you, you may be a good candidate for a thigh lift procedure. To learn more about thigh lift and other post-weight loss body contouring procedures available to Dr. Sohn’s patients in Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg, Florida, please contact us for a consultation.
1 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Thigh Lift. Available: Accessed December 27, 2023.
2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What results should I expect after thigh lift surgery? Available: Accessed December 27, 2023.
3 Cleveland Clinic. Thigh Lift (Thighplasty). Available: Accessed December 27, 2023.
Dr. Samuel Sohn has reviewed and approved this content.
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