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Dr. Samuel Sohn understands the desire for shapely, sculpted calves. However, for some, achieving well-defined calf muscles can prove challenging. Calf implants offer a solution by enhancing muscle shape and size, providing a more proportionate and balanced lower body appearance. Ultimately, whether motivated by cosmetic enhancement or functional improvement, calf implants offer a customizable solution tailored to individual desires and goals.

Dr. Sohn is a board-certified plastic surgeon who is committed to helping individuals in the Tampa, Clearwater and St. Petersburg, FL, areas improve their confidence and achieve their cosmetic goals with calf augmentation. This transformative procedure can reshape and enhance the appearance of your calves, whether you’re seeking to address symmetry issues, add definition, or simply boost your self-esteem.

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What Is Calf Augmentation With Implants?

Calf augmentation is a plastic or reconstructive surgery procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the calves with implants. Calf implants are specialized prosthetics crafted from medical-grade silicone or silicone gel. Available in various sizes and shapes, these implants are designed to augment and sculpt the calf muscles, creating a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing lower leg contour. Additionally, calf implants can be utilized in reconstructive procedures for individuals experiencing muscle atrophy due to health conditions or injuries.

Candidates For Calf Implants

Candidates for calf implants typically include individuals who have struggled to achieve well-defined calf muscles despite consistent exercise and fitness routines. Additionally, those seeking to address asymmetrical calves or correct lower leg deformities to enhance overall leg symmetry and aesthetic harmony may benefit from calf augmentation. Calf surgery may also be an option for individuals involved in bodybuilding or competitive sports seeking to amplify their muscular physique, complementing their rigorous training efforts. Whether motivated by cosmetic enhancement or functional improvement, calf implants offer a tailored solution to meet the unique goals and desires of each individual.

Benefits of Calf Augmentation With Implants

Calf augmentation with implants offers several benefits for individuals seeking to enhance the appearance of their lower legs, such as:

  • Permanent solution for achieving well-defined calf muscles
  • Improves overall leg symmetry and aesthetic harmony
  • Addresses asymmetrical calves or corrects lower leg deformities
man walking up stairs
  • Enhances results for individuals involved in bodybuilding or competitive sports
  • Customizable procedure for achieving desired calf size and shape
  • Natural-looking results boost confidence and self-esteem

The Calf Implant Procedure

The calf augmentation with implants procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia in a state-of-the-art surgery center. To minimize visible scarring, an incision is carefully placed in the natural crease behind the knee, known as the popliteal crease. Dr. Sohn then meticulously creates pockets to accommodate the implants, ensuring precise placement and optimal results. Dr. Sohn will determine the strategic use of subfascial positioning beneath the fascia membrane covering the calf muscles, or subcutaneous placement below the skin depending on individual factors. There are a number of different implant sizes and shapes that are generally available, and one or two implants may be placed over the inner or lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle, depending on the anatomic needs. The surgery generally takes one to two hours depending on the extent of the procedure.

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Calf Implant Surgery Recovery

Following calf augmentation surgery, patients are advised to limit their physical activity to walking.  To maximize the speed of recovery, it may be recommended to engage in body weight calf raises even on the first postoperative day.  This early mobility, while uncomfortable,  can speed up the overall recovery process.  While some discomfort, bruising, and swelling are normal, these symptoms can be managed with prescribed medication. It’s essential to avoid any strenuous exercise or activities such as running or weightlifting for approximately six weeks post-surgery to facilitate proper healing.

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Why Choose Samuel Sohn for Calf Augmentation?

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Samuel Sohn, MD

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Samuel M. Sohn has extensive experience and training in plastic surgery. His personalized approach to calf cosmetic procedures is designed to meet your unique cosmetic goals.

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FAQs About Calf Augmentation

While some discomfort, bruising, and swelling are expected during the healing process, pain medication will be provided by Dr. Sohn to manage any pain. You can help alleviate swelling by elevating the legs during the recovery period.

Calf augmentation with implants is considered safe, with a low rate of complications and a relatively short recovery period. However, like any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks, which your surgeon will discuss with you during your consultation. 

The cost of calf implant surgery varies based on factors such as your individual treatment plan and the type of implant used. The best way to receive an accurate pricing estimate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sohn.

Calf augmentation can be seamlessly combined with various plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures to achieve comprehensive aesthetic goals. Liposuction, also called lipo, can target excess fat in areas such as the thighs or abdomen, enhancing overall body contours alongside calf augmentation. Breast augmentation surgery like breast implants or breast lift procedures can provide a balanced and proportionate figure when combined with calf augmentation. Similarly, a facelift can offer more comprehensive rejuvenation. Tummy tucks can complement calf augmentation for full-body contouring, while fillers or Botox injections can enhance facial features simultaneously. For those seeking overall muscular enhancement, pectoral implants can be combined with calf augmentation for a sculpted physique. Additionally, calf augmentation can be included in a mommy makeover procedure to address post-pregnancy body changes comprehensively. These combinations allow for efficient recovery and satisfying cosmetic outcomes.

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Schedule A Consultation

If you have questions about calf augmentation or are interested in scheduling a consultation, contact us today. Our providers are dedicated to providing patients in Tampa, Clearwater and St. Petersburg, Florida personalized care and achieving exceptional results that exceed your expectations. Take the first step towards achieving the calves you’ve always wanted with Dr. Sohn.

1Schiff, M, et al. The impact of cosmetic breast implants on breastfeeding: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Breastfeeding Journal 2014; 9: 17.10.1186/1746-4358-9-17

2ASPS. Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Available: ​​ Accessed November 3, 2021.

3Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Safety and Efficacy of Subfascial Calf Augmentation. Available: Accessed April 8, 2024.

Dr. Samuel Sohn has reviewed and approved this content.

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